This event is part of "Dharmadhara Studien-und Praxisprogramm".
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The main purpose of this retreat is to liberate all sentient beings of the six realms from suffering and lead them to the state of liberation and omniscience. In addition, it is taught that the recitation of the Amidewa mantra removes all harm caused by the four elements, pacifies wars and diseases in the world, and brings peace and happiness.
Buddha Amitabha made a promise that all beings who hear, remember or recite his name will be reborn in his Pure Realm of Great Bliss (Tib.: Dewachen, Skt.: Sukhavati) at the moment of their death.
Wednesday, 13.11.2024
Arrival and Registration until 04:00 pm!
Please be punctional, as the Empowerment will start at 06:00 pm!!!!
Dinner already at 05:00 pm!!!!
06:00-08:30 pm Empowerment
Thursday, 14.11.2024
07:00- 08:00 am Practice
08:00-08:30 am Breakfast
09:00 am-12:00 pm Teachings (with break)
12:00 pm-01:00 pm Lunch
02:30-04:30 pm Teachings (with break)
05:30-06:30 pm Practice
06:30-07:00 pm Dinner
07:30-08:30 pm Practice
Friday, 15.11.2024
07:30-08:30 am Practice
08:30-09:00 am Breakfast
09:30 am-12:00 pm Teachings, questions & answers, practice
12:00-01:00 pm Lunch
02:30-04:00 pm Practice
05:00-06:00 pm Practice
06:00-06:30 pm Dinner
07:00-08:00 pm Practice
Saturday, 16.11.2024
07:30-08:30 am Practice
08:30-09:00 am Breakfast
09:30 am-12:00 pm Questions & Answers, Practice
12:00-01:00 pm Lunch
02:30-04:00 Practice
05:00-06:00 pm Practice
06:00-06:30 pm Dinner
07:00-08:00 pm Practice
Sunday, 17.11.2024
07:30-08:30 am Practice
08:30-09:00 am Breakfast
09:30 am-12:00 pm Conclusion with Amitabha-Tsok-Puja
12:00 pm Lunch
Participation in person: 270,00€ regular I 230,00 € reduced
Online-participation: 82,00€ regular I 69,00 € reduced
To register for online participation, please scroll down.