Drubpon Rachel - Ngondro Practice Group Part 1 - The Four Thoughts - Online

ONLINE-Ngondro Practice Group Part 1

led by Drubpon Rachel

Essential for Five Year Program participants
for everybody, who is interested in starting the Ngondro


This practice group led by Drupon Rachel is a great way to get started on your Ngondro practice. The Ngondro or Preliminary Practices are the beginning of the Buddhist Path and include practices to ground you in the path, purify your body and mind for meditation, cultivate the proper conditions and the right mind states for success in practice. They are complete practices in themselves.  

Each lesson there will be instruction and guided practice by Drupon Rachel. There will be lessons where you can ask clarifying questions and individual interviews can be requested as needed to further your personal practice.
Participants must register for the entire section of one Ngondro practice (approx. 4 months) and should try to attend each week. One should be able to commit to practice at home at least 3 times a week for an hour as a minimum commitment to join this program. It will take two years to complete the full Ngondro including Refuge, Vajrasattva, Mandala, and Guru Yoga.


Tuesdays 19:00 – 21:00

Outer Ngondro Practice: The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind
January 14 – February 04
Inner Ngondro Practice: Refuge and Prostrations
February 11 - May 27
Inner Ngondro Practice: Vajrasattva
June 3 – 24  
September 23 – December 16
03.06./10.06./17.06./24.06 and 23.09./30.09./07.10./14.10./21.10./28.10./04.11./11.11./18.11./25.11./02.12./09.12./16.12.2025


All texts and teachings will be given in English and German.
Please purchase the sadhana that we will use here:
English Version: https://drikung-europe.org/produkt/the-blazing-splendor-of-blessings/


PLEASE NOTE: All participants, who take part in the 1st package of the 5 Year Yidam Retreat pay no fee.
For all other interested participants for full year (37 lessons): 150,00 €


We will use your donations for the organization of the Online-Program,
the running costs of the Milarepa Retreat Center, for the Dharma Teachers and Translators.
Thank you so much for your generosity.
Direct debit: →→ click here

Anmeldung | Registration
ONLINE - Ngöndro Teil 1 (2025)

Anmeldeschluss | Deadline of Registration 18.12.2024

FĂĽr das ganze Jahr (37 Lektionen), nach Begleichung der GebĂĽhr schicken wir Ihnen den Zoomlink zu | For the whole year (37 lessons), after your payment we will send you the Zoomlink.
Zahlungsbedingungen | Conditions of Payment
Nach Eingang Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie von uns eine Rechnung. Erst mit Eingang der GebĂĽhr auf unserem Konto wird Ihre Buchung verbindlich.
Stornierung: Eine kostenlose Stornierung der Anmeldung (Veranstaltung, Übernachtung und Mahlzeiten im Milarepa Retreat Zentrum) ist bis 14 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn möglich. Bei einer Stornierung danach werden 30% der einbezahlten Gebühren für Veranstaltung, Übernachtung und Mahlzeiten im Milarepa Retreat Zentrum, einbehalten.
Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive an email invoice from us indicating the date by which your complete payment must be deposited to our account.
Cancellation: A cancellation of your reservation (retreat, overnight accommodations and meals at Milarepa Retreat Center) free of charge is possible up to 14 days before the start of the event. In the event of cancellations after this, 30% of the paid fees for the event, overnight accommodations and meals at the Milarepa Retreat Center will be retained.

Bankverbindung | Bank details

Garchen Stiftung
Kreissparkasse Soltau
Kto-Nr: 55047153
BLZ 25851660
IBAN: DE 50258516600055047153

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